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Керзюк О. - Партнерська співпраця Британської бібліотеки (2016)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2016, Issue 2)Ukrainian English

Kerziuk O.

Partnership co-operation of the British Library

Abstract: The article is devoted to the work of the Department of European and American Studies at the British Library in the context of the new Library Strategy, adopted in 2015. The author gives specific examples of cooperation with other British and world libraries, British universities, and cultural institutions. There is also a mention of the Knowledge Quarter – a network of research institutions at the centre of London where the British Library is located. A new type of Library activity – cooperation with PhD students – is described as well as the work of the newly-established Department of Research Engagement. Cultural diplomacy and cooperation with embassies of different countries, the main diaspora organizations and cultural institutes operating in the UK are also reviewed. The paper describes the experience of Library collaboration with the Microsoft and Google global companies in conducting large-scale digitization. Special attention is paid to the organization of exhibitions and use of social media.

Keywords: British Library, British Library Strategy, Department of European and American Studies.

Author(s) citation:

Kerziuk O. (2016). Partnership co-operation of the British Library. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (2) 22-25. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2016_2_6