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Романуха З. - Термінологія бібліографічного інформування, Швецова-Водка Г. (2016)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2016, Issue 1)Ukrainian English

Romanukha Z., Shvetsova-Vodka H.

Terminology of the Bibliographic Informing

Abstract: Terms which are used for denotation of the bibliographic information distribution are considered in the article, as one of types of bibliographic service. History of introduction of main term and modern discussion in relation to his formulation and determination is shown. Terms which mark kinds and forms of the bibliographic information distribution are described, in particular in the conditions of introduction of electronic technologies. Multidimensional facette classification of information services which are given by libraries on the modern stage in the mode of the bibliographic information distribution is given.

Keywords: bibliographic service, bibliographic information distribution, classification of services of the bibliographic information distribution.

Author(s) citation:

Romanukha Z. (2016). Terminology of the Bibliographic Informing. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (1) 46-51. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2016_1_8