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Зайченко Н. - Український реферативний журнал "Джерело": 20 років служіння науці, Ейсмонт Ю., Сандул О. (2015)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2015, Issue 5)Ukrainian English

Zaichenko N., Eismont Y. , Sandul O.

Ukrainian abstract journal «Dzherelo»: 20 years of devotion to science

Section: Anniversaries

Abstract: The history of the formation and publication of the Ukrainian abstract journal "Dzherelo" for the period of twenty years has been considered. The indexes (in the form of diagrams) of quantitative growth of the information panel, thematic spectrum distribution of publications, et cetera have been adduced. The attention was paid to the use of the Ukrainian abstract journals in bibliometric and scientometric studies. The prospects of development of the journal have been delineated.

Keywords: Ukrainian abstract journal "Dzherelo", abstract database "Ukrainika Naukova", national abstract resources, scientific publications,bibliometric studies, scientometric studies

Author(s) citation:

Zaichenko N. (2015). Ukrainian abstract journal «Dzherelo»: 20 years of devotion to science. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (5) 34-38. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2015_5_9