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Гранчак Т. - Соціокультурний дискурс російських національних бібліотек як джерело визначення пріоритетних маркерів національної пам’яті (2015)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2015, Issue 4)Ukrainian English

Hranchak T.

Socio-cultural discourse of the Russia’s national libraries as a source to determine the priority of modern Russia national memory markers

Abstract: The article is devoted to the justification of social and cultural discourse of the Russia’s national libraries as a source for the study of the priority national memory markers of modern Russia, analysis of substantive content of library activities, of meanings, that produced and distributed by libraries, as a tool for determining the nodal accents of concept of National Remembrance, which will continue to create an information base of national consciousness. An analysis of the socio-cultural discourse of library activities and products (conferences, presentations, round tables, exhibitions, collections) of national libraries of Russia – National Library of Russia, Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library and the Russian State Library – showed the promotion and support by them in the information space the discourse of ?"Great Russi" with such meanings as deep historical roots (the idea of ??the identity of Russ and Russia), worship of imperial traditions (expanding the boundaries of the state, the flourishing of culture in the times of the empire, the worship of the Romanovs and individual public and cultural figures of the time of their rule, "Sovetskost" in the context of the benefits of imperia), the great victories (the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Patriotic war of 1812), the conquest and the "return" of the Crimea as a manifestation of the return of the former power (KrymNash), positioning Russia as the cradle of the "Russian world", which is there to protect Orthodoxy and is a stronghold of Slavic unity. It is proved that by participating in the promotion of the discourse of "great Russia", the Russia’s national libraries become participants in the formation of information base for building a distorted concept of national memory of Russians, according to which the Crimea – a "native Russian land", America – russian, Taras Shevchenko – "a graduate of Russia", "Russia – winner of the Great Patriotic War", and so on. This concept provides the basis not for the future development of the state and national unity, but for the future of inter-state conflicts.

Keywords: discourse, national memory, national identity, identity, national libraries of Russia.

Author(s) citation:

Hranchak T. (2015). Socio-cultural discourse of the Russia’s national libraries as a source to determine the priority of modern Russia national memory markers. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (4) 14-22. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2015_4_5