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Букшина Т. - Реферативна інформація з питань педагогіки, психології й освіти в УРЖ "Джерело" (на основі періодичних і продовжуваних видань) (2015)

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Bukshyna T.

Reference information on pedagogy, psychology and education Ukrainian refereed journal "Dzherelo" (based on regular and prolonged publications)

Abstract: Describe the level of disclosure carried V. Sukhomlynsky State Scientific Pedagogical Library of Ukraine research work by abstracting scientific periodicals and serials Ukraine psychological and pedagogical subjects. The results of the monitoring display an array of abstract information on pedagogy, psychology, and education of the publications in the four series URZH "Dzherelo" for 2012–2013 years and the dynamics of its printing for the years 2007–2013. Stress the importance of libraries network of educational libraries MES and NAPS Ukraine and scientists and educators with the findings, as well as foster the emergence of abstract information industry at the national level through the integration and establishment of cooperative interaction and coordination with educational libraries of Ukraine.

Keywords: abstract information, recurrent and prolonged edition, psychology, pedagogy, education, V. Sukhomlynsky State Scientific Pedagogical Library of Ukraine, Ukrainian reference journal "Dzherelo".

Author(s) citation:

Bukshyna T. (2015). Reference information on pedagogy, psychology and education Ukrainian refereed journal "Dzherelo" (based on regular and prolonged publications). Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (4) 8-13. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2015_4_4