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Воловенко Т. - Реферативна база даних як інформаційний ресурс бібліотеки (2015)

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Volovenko T.

Abstract database as the information resource of the library

Abstract: Investigated by determining the content, structure and features of the concept of "information resource" and described its components. Examined the key features and benefits of using a database as an electronic information objects. Highlighted the formation of sectoral refereed resources on psychological and pedagogical issues, education and participation in this process of the network of educational libraries MES and APS of Ukraine. Analyzed by quantitative indicators representations of the abstract information psychological and pedagogical issues in the industry as a part of DDB information resource library.

Keywords: information resources, summarization, pedagogy, education, nationwide abstract database "Ukrainika scientific", V. Sukhomlynsky scientific pedagogical state library of Ukraine, branch abstract database, educational library cooperation.

Author(s) citation:

Volovenko T. (2015). Abstract database as the information resource of the library. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (4) 3-7. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2015_4_3