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Пастушенко О. - Теорія книги в сучасних дисертаційних дослідженнях з книгознавства в Україні (2015)

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Pastushenko O.

Theory of a Book in Modern Dissertational Researches in Book Science in Ukraine

Abstract: We consider the directions and content of Bibliological theses devoted to the study in the theoretic questions of Ukraine Bibliology, existing in the field of Social Communications Sciences. Attention is paid to research of the bibliology development in the system of scientific knowledge and as a social communications, new disciplines, questions of book publishing, creation of electronic books, species composition books and others.

Keywords: Ukrainian bibliology, theses in the field of book science, rare books, Social Communications Sciences.

Author(s) citation:

Pastushenko O. (2015). Theory of a Book in Modern Dissertational Researches in Book Science in Ukraine. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (2) 23-26. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2015_2_7