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Опришко Т. - Українська літературно-художня періодика 20-х – першої половини 30-х років XX ст.: джерелознавчий та історіографічний аспекти (2015)

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Opryshko T.

Ukrainian literary and artistic periodicals of 20th – first half 30th of XX c.: sources-based and historiographical aspects

Abstract: The article analyzes the historiography of Ukrainian literary and art periodicals of 20’s – early 30-ies of XX c., main stages of its development are defined. Main author’s concepts of literary process in Ukraine are reviewed. A list of library and archival holdings holding the sources (epistolaries, editorials, article manuscripts, etc..) on researched subject is provided. The annexes contain a list of literary and art magazines that were published during mentioned period.

Keywords: literary and art periodicals, magazine, editor, article, correspondence, archive, publication, organization.

Author(s) citation:

Opryshko T. (2015). Ukrainian literary and artistic periodicals of 20th – first half 30th of XX c.: sources-based and historiographical aspects. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (1) 27-32. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2015_1_8