Бібліотечний вісник | bv.nbuv.gov.ua
Стронська Н. - Створення інформаційного ресурсу "Українська бібліографія в особах": структура інформаційної моделі (2015)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2015, Issue 1)Ukrainian English

Stronska N.

Creating of information resource "Ukrainian bibliography in personalies": the structure of the information model

Abstract: In the article we emphasize the necessity of the formation of the national bibliography resources as part of the informational space of Ukrainian culture, we provide an overview of sources and principal libraries’ electronic bibliographic resources, reveal the state of methodical support of their creation, display significant prospects for further research of Ukrainian electronic resources of Bibliographers Studies and the necessity of detailed analysis of informational content of referential Internet resources and sites, the necessity of identification and digitizing of retrospective sources of Ukrainian Bibliographers Studies, the development of an open integrate electronic bio-bibliographic resource "Ukrainian Bibliographe on Names". We have shown that there has been gathered an experience of methodic bases of metadata formation, provide new conceptual basis of the resource formation has been developed.

Keywords: Ukrainian bibliographers studies, biobibliographers electronic resources, bibliographers studies sources, the model of structure conception.

Author(s) citation:

Stronska N. (2015). Creating of information resource "Ukrainian bibliography in personalies": the structure of the information model. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (1) 17-21. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2015_1_6