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Яценко О. - Персональна бібліографія, біобібліографія: термінологічний аналіз (2014)

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Yatsenko O.

Personal bibliography, bio-bibliography: terminological analysis

Abstract: List of theoretical articles and papers of methodology Soviet and Ukrainian bibliography (standards, textbooks, encyclopedic, reference books, professional articles) are defined and studied. In these works personal bibliography and bio-bibliography are considered as a type of activity (terminology, classification and methods of bibliographic creation dictionary). In order to avoid difficulties in determination of concepts such as "personal bibliography", "bio-bibliography", "personal bibliography index", "bio-bibliographical index", "bio-bibliographical dictionary" are analysed. The process of emergence of the first scientific works of "personal bibliographic" and "bio-bibliography" in Ukraine is outlined. In a result of analysis was separated different kinds of representations bio-bibliographic works. The basic approach to the terminological problem is defined. Conclusions on the use of above terms are made.

Keywords: Library Sciences, bio-bibliography, personal bibliography, terminology.

Author(s) citation:

Yatsenko O. (2014). Personal bibliography, bio-bibliography: terminological analysis. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (5) 24-29. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2014_5_7