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Гнатенко Л. - "Славянская палеографія" С. М. Кульбакіна (2014)

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Hnatenko L.

S. M. Kulbakin's "Slavic paleography"

Abstract: A studio is presented. S. M. Kulbakin’s "Славянская палеографія", written in 20th of ХХ of century and first published only in 2008 to the year. Labour by an author was notcompleted a preface is written, division on glagolitic paleography and a prosecution is begun of division on cyrillic paleography. A manuscript is published fully, and because she was prepared to edition by an author, by himwas the prepared typing of division for researches of glagolitic letter. In edition after authorial text given: the article about life and activity of scientist, review on a monograph, article about history of writing and fate of manuscript, list of laboursof scientist of 18981939 рр., personal photos of scientist and title folias from his books. S. M. Kulbakin wrote a studio on Slavic paleography being already the known slavist, linguist, paleographer. A much attention much attention to research of glagolitic monuments and decision of question of origin of glagolitic and cyrillic letter. For work materials of 78 glagolitic monuments were attracted them. Division of book, sanctified to glagolitic, is, as it marks in the review of А. А. Turilov, by the successive analysis of labour of І. V. Jagicha "Glagolitic letter" (1911).Walkthrough of labour of І. V. Jagicha was conducted by ascientist in connection with the problem of dating of old г glagolitic monuments. Work of scientist from глаголической paleography did not lose the value and is one of the best summarizing studios with it She became accessible to the scientists only after edition and needs modern scientific critical comprehension and clarification of codicology, palaeography, graphic arts and orthographic data. This edition remains not popular in slavic studies.

Keywords: S. M. Kulbakin, Slavic paleography, V. Jagich, Glagolitic letter, dating.

Author(s) citation:

Hnatenko L. (2014). S. M. Kulbakin's "Slavic paleography". Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (4) 30-34. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2014_4_8