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Науменко Л. - Авторитетний файл колективного автора (з досвіду Харківської державної наукової бібліотеки ім. В. Г. Короленка) (2014)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2014, Issue 3)Ukrainian English

Naumenko L.

Authoritative file of the collective author (by experience of V. Korolenko Kharkiv state scientific library)

Abstract: The article focuses on the many years experience of creating firstly the card file and after the computer authority file of corporate authors. Emphasis is placed on its high information capacity and compactness as well as features of its use in the process of cataloging and information retrieval.

Keywords: cataloging, authority file, authority record, information retrieval, corporate autor.

Author(s) citation:

Naumenko L. (2014). Authoritative file of the collective author (by experience of V. Korolenko Kharkiv state scientific library). Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (3) 7-12. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2014_3_4