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Жукова В. - Трансформація бібліотеки в інфраструктурі глобального інформаційного суспільства (2014)

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Zhukova V.

Library transformation in infrastructure of global information society

Abstract: Conceptual bases of informative society and his higher level – societies of knowledge are certain in the article. A library as element of infrastructure of global informative society and her transformation is considered in the period of modern public changes on the basis of sociocultural, communication approaches

Keywords: library, debenture-informative organization, informative society, infrastructure of informative society, informative production

Author(s) citation:

Zhukova V. (2014). Library transformation in infrastructure of global information society. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (3) 3-6. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2014_3_3