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Мацелюх К. - Внесок П. Н. Абрамовича у розвиток бібліотечної справи на Волині (1918–1919) (2014)

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Matseliukh K.

P. N. Abramovych’s contribution to development of library science in Volhynia (1918–1919)

Abstract: This article deals with the main life stakes of the Volyn librarian and scholar P. N. Abramovich. Analyzed the importance of rural institutions in the networking libraries in Volyn. It has been shown the contribution of the researcher in the development of librarianship in the Volyn province in 1918–1919.

Keywords: P. N. Abramovich, library, preschool department Volyn hubernialnoho zemstvo.

Author(s) citation:

Matseliukh K. (2014). P. N. Abramovych’s contribution to development of library science in Volhynia (1918–1919). Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (2) 36-39. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2014_2_9