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Берёзкина Н. - Оценка научной деятельности организаций Беларуси с использованием индексов цитирования, Сикорская О., Хренова Г. (2013)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2013, Issue 5)Ukrainian English

Beriozkina N., Sikorskaia O., Khrenova G.

Evaluation of the scientific activities of Belarusion organizations with the use of citation index

Abstract: The article deals with the use of citation indexes (Web of Science, Scopus and Russian Science Citation Index) for evaluation of scientific activity of organizations in Belarus. A section «The publication activity of Belarusian scientists» created on the Web site of the Central Science Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus includes the list of periodicals for publishing the results of scientific research on the most actual directions according to Web of Knowledge; the ranking of Belarusian organizations by the h-index and citation rates of articles according to Scopus; the recommendations for editors of scientific journals for inclusion the journals in the world science citation databases, and other materials.

Keywords: scientific activity, publication activity, citation indexes, citation, scientific journals.

Author(s) citation:

Beriozkina N. (2013). Evaluation of the scientific activities of Belarusion organizations with the use of citation index. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (5) 45-49. - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2013_5_9