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Шустова Ю. - Книготорговые каталоги Ставропигийского института первой половины XIX в. как источники по реконструкции репертуара изданий типографии Львовского Успенского братства (2013)

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Shustova Yu.

Booksellers catalogs of the Stavropaghia Institute of the first half of the 19-th century as sources for the reconstruction of the repertoire of publications of printing house of the Lviv Dormition Brotherhood

Section: Articles

Abstract: The article contains a detailed analysis of catalogues selling of books 20–50th of 19th century Stavropihiyan Institute as source of history of Lviv Assumption Stavropihiyan Confraternity’s typography on 18 century. The special attention in this article is about problem of reconstruction the list of printing books of the Lviv typography. The problems of bibliography publications 18 century considers and is defined more exactly and add to information of old printing books.

Keywords: Stavropihiyan Institute in Lviv, Lviv Stavropihiyan Confraternity printing-house, impression books, sale of books, typography.

Author(s) citation:

Shustova Yu. (2013). Booksellers catalogs of the Stavropaghia Institute of the first half of the 19-th century as sources for the reconstruction of the repertoire of publications of printing house of the Lviv Dormition Brotherhood. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (2) 36-43. - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2013_2_8