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Ніколаєва Т. - Документи з фондів Центрального архіву зарубіжної україніки до ІІ Українського наукового з’їзду у Празі 1932 р. (2013)

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Nikolaeva T.

Presentation of the Central archive of the foreign Ukrainian Studies at the 2nd Ukrainian Scientific Congress, Prague 1932

Abstract: Represented documents that were prepared by Ukrainian scientists to compile «Bibliographic Index of scientific publications of the Ukrainian emigration 1920–1931» printed to the II-nd Ukrainian Scientific Congress, held in Prague in 1932. Documents contain new/additional information on bibliography works of local scientists, teachers of the Ukrainian higher education institutions abroad.

Keywords: bibliography, II-nd Ukrainian Science Congress in Prague 1932, foreign Ucrainica.

Author(s) citation:

Nikolaeva T. (2013). Presentation of the Central archive of the foreign Ukrainian Studies at the 2nd Ukrainian Scientific Congress, Prague 1932. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (1) 33-35. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2013_1_6