Бібліотечний вісник | bv.nbuv.gov.ua
Малолєтова Ніна. - Пам’ять нації (До 100-річчя заснування Німецької національної бібліотеки) (2012)

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Maloletova N.

Memory of nation (to the 100-th anniversary of foundation of the German National Library)

Section: Jubilees

Abstract: The German`s National Library, its role and place as the major library among the other largest libraries in the fulfilment of the national library`s main tasks. This article highlights the aspects of mutual effective and efficient collaboration as well as the distribution of the national library`s functions between the German`s National Library, the State Library in Berlin, the Bavarian State Library in Munich. Considered and analysed are the development and maintainance of book exchange with the V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. It also presents and describes mains messures and events that are taken do celebrate this fictive occasion.

Keywords: the German`s National Library, German libraries network, information and bibliographic activities, international book exchange.

Author(s) citation:

Maloletova N. (2012). Memory of nation (to the 100-th anniversary of foundation of the German National Library). Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (5) 47-53. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2012_5_8