Бібліотечний вісник | bv.nbuv.gov.ua
Сербін Олег. - Історико-технологічні особливості еволюції систематичного каталогу бібліотеки: досвід майбутнього у новизні минулого (2012)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2012, Issue 4)Ukrainian English

Serbin O.

Historical and technological peculiarities of evolution for a library systematic catalogue: experience for a future in the newness of the past times

Abstract: This publication reviews the main aspects of systematic catalog reorganization in order to improve its content. It is determined that directory catalog reclassification depends not only on features of library and bibliographic classification structure, but on content of the latter as well. The historical and technological features of library catalog evolution are demonstrated on practical examples including general systematic catalog of NLUV and his transfer to LBC.

Keywords: systematic catalog of LBC, classification worksheets, reclassification.

Author(s) citation:

Serbin O. (2012). Historical and technological peculiarities of evolution for a library systematic catalogue: experience for a future in the newness of the past times. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (4) 3-12. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2012_4_1