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Перенесієнко Ігор. - Внесок Антоніо Мальябеккі у справу систематизації книжкових зібрань (2012)

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Perenesiienko I.

Contribution of Antonio Maliabekki to systematization of book collections

Section: Systematization of documents under conditions of adapting to modern demands for organization of information

Abstract: This article deals with the main life stakes of the librarian the Laurentian Library in Florence Antonio Magliabechi. The author analyzed the process of his intellectual development as one of the most intelligent librarians of medieval Europe. It has been shown the contribution of Antonio Magliabechi into the development of systematization of book collections as one of the parts of the development of library innovation.

Keywords: Antonio Magliabechi, Florence, the Laurentian Library Magliabechiana, library, systematization.

Author(s) citation:

Perenesiienko I. (2012). Contribution of Antonio Maliabekki to systematization of book collections. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (2) 34-39. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2012_2_7