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Попик В. - Ранні етапи формування ресурсів біографічної інформації на східноєвропейських землях (2011)

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Popyk V.

Early stages of formation of resources of biographical information in Eastern Europe

Abstract: The origins, the main phases and forms of the collections and systematizations of the historical and the biographical information since ancient times on the vastness of Central-Eastern and Eastern Europe have been analyzed in the article. The historical evolution of the systematized research fragments of the annals and the historical chronicles, the princes? commemoration books, enumeration of the life of Holy, genealogies collections since XI–XVII center have been considered.

Keywords: historical and biographical resourses, annals, chronicles, the life of Holy, genealogies collections.

Author(s) citation:

Popyk V. (2011). Early stages of formation of resources of biographical information in Eastern Europe. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (6) 20-27. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2011_6_4