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Шелестова Анна. - Базові функції навчальних документів у системі електронно-документної комунікації сучасного вищого навчального закладу України (2011)

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Shelestova A.

Base functions of educational documents in the system of electronic and documents communications of a modern higher educational institution of Ukraine

Abstract: Usage and sense of definition Ukrainian university electronic-documentation communication are proved and revealed in this article. Different means of scientists as to classification of document functions, their characteristics and composition are analyzed. Basic functions of university educational documents are analyzed and qualified in the Ukrainian university electronic-documentation system. Characteristics of basic functions of educational documents are induced in article. The generalized system of basic functions of university educational documents is developed.

Keywords: university, university educational document, university system electronic-documentation communication, classification of document functions, basic functions of university educational documents.

Author(s) citation:

Shelestova A. (2011). Base functions of educational documents in the system of electronic and documents communications of a modern higher educational institution of Ukraine. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (1) 43-51. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2011_1_5