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Попик В. - Проблеми української біографіки у новітніх напрацюваннях Інституту біографічних досліджень Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського, Любовець Н., Яценко О. (2024)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2024, Issue 1)Ukrainian English

Popyk Volodymyr, Liubovets Nadiia, Yatsenko Oleh

Problems of Ukrainian biography in the latest researches of Institute of Biographical Research of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine

Section: History of the library affair and libraries

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to analyze the latest achievements, research problems and prospective tasks of the Institute of Biographical Research of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine.The research methodology is based on the complex use of the principles of historicism, the methods of historiographical and scientific analysis and synthesis, the correlation of the achievements of the IBR with the objective needs of the theoretical-methodological and methodical support for the further development of biographical research and the dissemination of biographical knowledge. The scientific novelty consists in focusing attention on the main problem-thematic directions and tasks of the scientific and library-informational activities of the Institute of Biographical Research as the only scientific center in Ukraine, the profile of which is the systematic development of theoretical-methodological and practical applied problems of the progress of life biography. Special attention is paid to changes in the place, meaning and tasks of biographical research in the conditions of the struggle of the Ukrainian people against Russian aggression. Conclusions. During the thirty years of its activity, the Institute of Biographical Research is at the center of the process of theoretical-methodological and practical-methodological support for the development of national biography, formation of resources of memorial biographical information. The institute’s efforts substantiated the place and role of biography as a multifaceted phenomenon of culture and science, an important informational resource of society. The problems of using the historical experience of domestic biography and assimilating the achievements of European and world humanitarian culture, enriching the creative arsenal of biographical writing are being fruitfully developed at Institute of Biographical Research. An important place in the institute’s research belongs to the analysis of creative innovations, genre diversity and the use of experimental forms in modern scientific and literary biographical creativity.

Keywords: biography, scientific and amateur biographical creativity, biographical information resources, dissemination of biographical knowledge, Ukrainian National Biographical Archive, of the Institute of Biographical Research of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine.

Author(s) citation:

Popyk Volodymyr (2024). Problems of Ukrainian biography in the latest researches of Institute of Biographical Research of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (1) 64-82. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2024.01.064


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