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Самохіна Ж. - Використання інструментарію цифрового маркетингу в діяльності бібліотек (2024)

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Samokhina Zhanna

Use of digital marketing tools in library activities

Section: Libraries and archives in the digital environment

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to study the essence and tools of digital marketing in the system of integrated marketing communications, to determine the differences between digital marketing and Internet marketing, to substantiate the theoretical and practical provisions of the use of digital marketing in library activities, in particular, to study the features of digital marketing as a modern tool for managing communications with the consumer library services. Research methods. The work used a complex of general scientific research methods: systematic method, comparison, classification method, source analysis, which, in particular, make it possible to reveal the essence of the transformation of library users’ requests in modern conditions. The scientific novelty consists in defining the essence of the concepts of Internet marketing and digital marketing; analysis of modern technologies of digital marketing and its tools; presentation of modern trends in the development of digital marketing technologies in relation to the specifics of library activity. Conclusions. Trends in the field of digital marketing in the coming years will be aimed at creating new types of interaction with the reader. To increase the effectiveness of marketing activities in the library field it is important to use new digital channels of communication with users. The active development of digital technologies and the Internet, the use of digital marketing tools in library activities to increase the level of high-quality and prompt service to readers make it possible to significantly expand the range of library information services and make them even more operational: improvement of library websites and their mobile versions, electronic delivery documents, online reference and bibliographic service, blog marketing activity, use of e-mail marketing elements etc

Keywords: web resource, integrated marketing communications, Internet marketing, digital marketing, infographics, social networks

Author(s) citation:

Samokhina Zhanna (2024). Use of digital marketing tools in library activities. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (1) 12-22. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2024.01.012


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