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Галицька С. - Удосконалення методичного апарату рубрик тематичного навігатора Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського (2021)

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Halytska Svitlana

Improvement of the Methodical Apparatus of Rubrics of the Thematic Navigator of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

Abstract: The urgency of the problem. The formation of a single national information system requires the development and optimization of highly efficient automated information retrieval systems, improvement and updating of their navigation and search tools, optimization of information retrieval languages, creating conditions for user orientation in the boundless information space. The publication considers the issue of forming a dictionary of alphabetical index in the electronic catalog of the scientific library and improving the linguistic means of the library information system. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need to improve the methodological apparatus of the abbreviated version of the VNLU Rubricator in the electronic catalog, in particular, reorienting the terms of the alphabetical index to the systematic part of the database "Abbreviated version of the VNLU Rubricator for scientific library". Presentation of the main material. The importance of adapting the library's own classification system to the UDC is emphasized. It was found that the replenishment of the electronic alphabetical index to the VNLU Rubricator with the terms UDC determines the formation of an extensive system of correspondence between the two classification schemes. It is noted that the reorientation of the index to UDC provides an optimal relationship between the classification schemes, creates conditions for effective information navigation between different library classifications and a visual representation of the content of headings in the thematic navigator. It is proved that the use of the UDC-oriented alphabetical index improves the quality of parallel indexing of documents according to two classification schemes. It is noted that the joint use of the alphabetical index to the printed version of the abbreviated version of the VNLU Rubricator and the index used in the database is an important factor in optimizing the process of scientific processing of documents and a multifaceted systematic approach to disclosing their content. Conclusions. Constant updating of the methodical apparatus of rubrics in the database "Abbreviated version of the VNLU Rubricator for scientific library" determines the quality of the information retrieval system of the library, which provides effective access to documents, implementation of intelligent search in electronic catalog, high level of library and information service due to careful form pages of the VNLU thematic navigator headings, accessible and user-friendly.

Keywords: VNLU rubricator, electronic catalog, alphabetical index, thematic navigator, UDC indexes, subject search, correspondence system.

Author(s) citation:

Halytska Svitlana (2021). Improvement of the Methodical Apparatus of Rubrics of the Thematic Navigator of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (1) 13-23. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2021.01.013


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