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Шпаргало Євген - Книжкові видання діаспори як джерело вивчення антигетьманського повстання (листопад – грудень 1918 р.) (2018)

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Shparhalo Yevhen

Diaspora Books as a Source for the Study of the Anti-Hetman Uprising (November – December 1918)

Section: To the 100th anniversary of Ukrainian revolution (1917–1921)

Abstract: Analyzed the publications from the funds of the Department of Foreign Ucrainica of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, which shows us different interpretations of the events on the end of 1918.

Keywords: fund of the Department of Foreign Ukrainica VNLU, Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921, anti-hetman uprising, Ukrainian State, Directory of the UPR, emigrant publications on history.

Author(s) citation:

Shparhalo Yevhen (2018). Diaspora Books as a Source for the Study of the Anti-Hetman Uprising (November – December 1918). Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (6) 26-33. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2018.06.026


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