Видання в опрацюванні - ще не надійшло за місцем зберігання, неповний бібліографічний опис.

Самохіна, Жанна (Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського, Україна, Київ).
Інструменти і технології маркетингу в системі управління знаннями [Текст] / Ж. Самохіна // Бібліотечний вісник. - 2022. - № 3. - С.31-39
Шифр журнала: Ж14595/2022/3

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
knowledge management, knowledge marketing, advertising activity, primary information, secondary information, virtual environment.
Аннотация: ^UThe purpose of the article is to determine the goals and main tasks of knowledge marketing, which reflects the specifics of the application of marketing tools and technologies in relation to knowledge as an intellectual productin the information industry, as well as the specifics of its use in the library (on the example of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine). Research methods. The research is based on systemic and structural approaches, methods of comparative and logical analysis. The scientific novelty consists in outlining the role and scope of the main tasks of knowledge marketing in relation to the specifics of library activity; in determining the tools and methods that should be used in knowledge marketing to take into account the specifics of the library field; in the presentation of the features of the application of traditional and specific marketing tools and methods for knowledge management in the library; in highlighting the communication function of the advertising activity of the knowledge management system in the library; presentation of knowledge marketing technologies in a virtual environment, presentation of the specifics of their application in the information market of library services; in outlining the stages of implementation of knowledge marketing in relation to the specifics of library activity on the example of the creation of innovative services in the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. Conclusions. The promotion of library services in modern conditionsis based on marketing components designed to stimulate readers’ interest in libraries as information centers. Thus, within the modern development strategy of special importance are the efforts of libraries to use tools and technologies of knowledge marketing, in particular, advertising as the main tool of marketing tools for library services, the effective use of which allows to solve many strategic and tactical tasks of the library on the market of information services and in the virtual environment.
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